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Create Growing Templates Tailored to Your Practices

Choose from over 30,000 crops in Tend’s database and set up Growing Templates to manage planting details, timelines, and tasks with ease.

Organize hundreds of attributes for each crop

Get started quickly with Tend’s preloaded Growing Templates, or create a new template and fill in your own data. Each template includes hundres of detailed attributes like DTM, harvest windows, plant spacing, and yields.

To save time, you can link templates together to apply updates to multiple crops at once or clone a template to multiple crops.

Organize hundreds of attributes for each crop

Automatically generate all your tasks

Apply Tend’s ready-to-use task templates, or create your own from scratch. Add rich detail, including frequency, tools and equipment, inputs and application rates, and estimated labor times.

Set up your task templates just once, and Tend will use them to automatically generate your tasks each season.

Task Management

Forecast revenue with confidence

Add estimated average selling prices for each crop you grow. As you build each year’s crop plan, Tend applies your forecasted prices to estimate your revenue. Adjust your price estimations at any time.

With a clear picture of your potential earnings, make informed planting and sales decisions and adjust strategies to optimize profit margins.

Forecast revenue with confidence

Enter planting details once to save hours each season

Whether using Tend’s AI data or your own, you only need to set up your Growing Templates once to eliminate hours of data entry each year.

Tend automatically applies your Growing Templates to your plantings to calculate yield and revenue and automatically generate all your tasks.

Enter planting details once to save hours each season

Optimize your perennial management

Tend automatically estimates yield rates for each stage of your perennial crops' lifecycles, from peak production periods to natural yield decline.

These estimates are applied directly to your crop plan, helping you align production schedules with market demand. You can adjust these projections at any time to reflect your farm’s unique conditions.

Growing Templates Help Save Hours on Data Entry

Streamline crop planning, auto-populate your product catalog, and manage various cultivation methods for each crop with Tend’s Growing Templates.

Automate complex calculations to simplify crop planning

As you add plantings, Tend applies your Growing Templates to help you plan more efficiently.

Automatically calculate yield and revenue projections, growing space required, and the planting materials needed for successful cultivation. Use these insights to make adjustments to your crop plan in real time.

Crop Planning
Automate complex calculations to simplify crop planning

Auto-populate your product catalog

Tend populates your product catalog directly from your Crop Library—eliminating the hassle of entering the same crop info into a separate sales platform.

Each item in your product catalog has an auto-generated SKU and barcode for enhanced inventory management.

Inventory Management
Auto-populate your product catalog

Create multiple Growing Templates for each crop

Set up multiple Growing Templates for each crop to support various cultivation methods. Irrigate your fall carrots more frequently than your spring plantings? Easily set up a Growing Template for they way you grow them during different parts of the season.

As you add plantings to your crop plan, Tend automatically applies your selected Growing Template for accurate calculations and task generation.

Create multiple Growing Templates for each crop

More Crop Library Features

Crop Database

Access Tend’s database of over 39,000 crop keys, all pre-populated with data to help streamline your planning.

Custom Images

Gain a visual overview of your crops with Tend’s default images, or choose to upload your own.

Flexible Grouping

Filter and sort your library by crop, harvest stage, or alphabetical order for easy viewing.

Inactive Crops

Make crops you’re not currently growing inactive to unclutter your view without losing any data.

Custom Naming

Add custom names and abbreviations for crops to make it easier to identify and manage them throughout Tend.

Data Suggestions

Quickly reference Tend’s intelligent data suggestions for all planting details.

“I keep so much up here [in my head], and my biggest goal every day is getting it out and empowering other staff with information so that they can make their own decisions. This is huge.”

Daniel Garfinkel

Daniel Garfinkel

Athiana Acres

“The thing I love about Tend is that it calculates all these things for you. I determine what I want, and Tend already has the greenhouse sowing dates, field transplanting dates, and harvest dates built in.”

Shane Rozeveld

Shane Rozeveld

Aslan Organics